There are things which may we view as harmful to us but when you deeply look into how they affect us, they might be doing more good to our health than expected:
Computer Games:
A lot of parents think that computer games corners children into a kind of isolation and also distract them from their studies. This might not be the case as researches show that kids who regularly play video games improve hand-eye coordination, IQ, and understanding of science over time. Simulation games also showed to contribute in developing the kid’s planning skills and strategy formulation.
Loud Music:
Parents though should still watch out as some games may trigger stress-like problems as younger ones may not be able to distinguish clearly between what is real and fiction. So monitor how they use the computer to avoid any problems.
A lot of people about their teens blasting loud music in their rooms, again you might be surprised that it is doing them some good. There is a study that reveals that the louder the music, the greater pleasure the music brings. It has something to do with the vibrations created by the loud music sent as positive signals to the human brain.
Texting may again be viewed as bringing someone away from the real social world but a study reveals that parents and children admitted that they improved their relationship because of the constant texting. Kids keep in touch without having to feel that their privacy is being invaded.
A lot of experts have warned us about the damaging effects of sun exposure. Again too much might harm us but moderate exposure to sunshine is in fact beneficial as sunlight helps the body to make Vitamin D which in turn makes our bones stronger.