Thursday 4 December 2014


The liver is the biggest organ in the human body and has a host of functions. Not only does it play a big role in the digestion process and maintains blood sugar levels but also helps fight against infection. Needless to say, it is imperative to ensure that your liver stays healthy . Here's what you need to do... Your liver is in charge of removing toxins. So when you subject your body to excess alcohol or substance abuse, you liver has to work much harder to flush them out of your system. Cut back on your consumption of harmful products if you want your liver to stay healthy. If you binge drink, let your liver recover naturally by abstaining from alcohol for at least two days.
Strange as it may sound, exercising also helps keep the liver healthy. A certain type of liver disease known as Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) occurs when there is fat build up in the liver. This can cause serious damage to your liver. And experts suggest exercising as one of the most effective ways of avoiding this disease. DETOX FOODS FOR A HEALTHY LIVER Be generous with your garlic when you're cooking. Studies say that garlic helps your liver mobilise enzymes that remove toxins from your body. It also has a high amount of natural compounds like seleni um and allicin, which clean the liver. Flush out toxins by having green tea, which contains antioxidants called catechins, known to improve liver functioning. Lettuce and spinach nullify the effect of chemicals and pesticides that make their way in what we eat and protect the liver. Beetroot is an excellent way to detoxify your liver. When you eat avoca dos, your body pro duces an antioxi dant known as glu tathione, which keeps out harmful substances. Walnuts contain glu tathione and omega-3 fatty acids, which sup port the liver in remov ing toxins.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Things that you think may be bad but actually may be good for you

There are things which may we view as harmful to us but when you deeply look into how they affect us, they might be doing more good to our health than expected:
  Computer Games: A lot of parents think that computer games corners children into a kind of isolation and also distract them from their studies. This might not be the case as researches show that kids who regularly play video games improve hand-eye coordination, IQ, and understanding of science over time. Simulation games also showed to contribute in developing the kid’s planning skills and strategy formulation. .
Loud Music: Parents though should still watch out as some games may trigger stress-like problems as younger ones may not be able to distinguish clearly between what is real and fiction. So monitor how they use the computer to avoid any problems.
  Texting: A lot of people about their teens blasting loud music in their rooms, again you might be surprised that it is doing them some good. There is a study that reveals that the louder the music, the greater pleasure the music brings. It has something to do with the vibrations created by the loud music sent as positive signals to the human brain. Texting may again be viewed as bringing someone away from the real social world but a study reveals that parents and children admitted that they improved their relationship because of the constant texting. Kids keep in touch without having to feel that their privacy is being invaded.
  Sunshine: A lot of experts have warned us about the damaging effects of sun exposure. Again too much might harm us but moderate exposure to sunshine is in fact beneficial as sunlight helps the body to make Vitamin D which in turn makes our bones stronger.

Monday 28 April 2014

Facts About Fish Oil Pills

    Fish oil capsules are typically known for their bad odour and awful taste but they are certainly good for you! How? If you’re as ignorant as I was, you don’t really know, you just always heard “fish is good for you, good for the heart”. Fact is, it is good for the heart but it comes with a long list of advantages as well!
     Fish oil pills are usually made from mackerel, herring, tuna, halibut, salmon, cod or whale and seal blubber. Fish oil is rich in omega -3 fatty acids, which is an important fatty acid that needs to be consumed because the body does not produce it on its own. The benefits of fish oil pills are endless! Here is just a short list that doesn’t do justice to the many benefits of fish oil pills.
1) Circulatory System: beneficial to the heart  2) Brain Food 3) Women Helpers 4) Reduces Swelling Joint Pains 5) Reduce Signs of Aging 
  **Just remember that too much of anything is bad. Although fish oil capsules are extremely beneficial to your health, taking more than 3 a day can work against you. .

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Collagen is Vitamin C

Collagen is Vitamin C, Tomatoes are double rich in Vitamin C, 40 times Vitamin A, eat it fresh, good for the skin, fights cancer.

They contain the carotene lycopene, good for the heart, one of the most powerful natural antioxidants.

Tomatoes has been found to help prevent prostate cancer, but other research contradicts this claim. It also helps to keep the skin looking youthful.


Knowing this, we can now discuss how we get different kinds of wrinkles! The wrinkles that come from being "waterlogged" occur mostly in the fingers and toes, where the stratum corneum is thickest. This is because a long soak in the tub, pool or other body of water washes away a lot of the sebum, making the skin less waterproof. The water is then able to penetrate the skin, especially the dead cells of the stratum corneum. Absorbing this extra water causes the skin to expand, puff up and pull away from places where it is not completely anchored to the basement membrane (the connection between the epidermis and dermis). The result is wrinkles, or you might consider them "waves" of puffy skin. Once you are out of the bathtub, the absorbed water is soon released and more sebum is rapidly produced; your "waterlogged" wrinkles quickly disappear.
The wrinkles we get as we age are quite different. After age 20, we start to lose some of the collagen in our skin, making it thinner and more fragile. But much more important than this loss with aging is the skin damage due to exposure to sunlight and toxins (such as those that come from tobacco use, pollution and other sources). Some experts estimate that 90 percent of the skin damage leading to wrinkles (and other skin changes) comes from these exposures. The specifics of how sun and toxin exposure cause this damage is not completely understood, however it is thought that at least part of the process occurs because free radicals (molecules in search of loose electrons) are created that alter the skin’s cellular matrix.
As we get older the skin’s repair mechanisms do not work as efficiently. The cumulative burden from years of skin damage eventually surpasses the skin’s ability to repair itself, so the elasticity of the dermal layer diminishes and the skin becomes more brittle. Since the collagen in the skin is replenished on average about every 15 years, the skin changes from this process occur slowly over time. Eventually, these changes cause the skin to sag and wrinkle.
Antioxidants such as vitamin C, E and especially (for the skin) molecules related to vitamin A protect against free radicals. Therefore, treatments with Retin-A (a derivative of vitamin A) and/or other treatments have been developed to help minimize/prevent wrinkles. Of course, since sun exposure is one of, likely the main, culprit, minimizing sun exposure, including using sun block, is also beneficial. All of us should understand and accept these changes, while minimizing the affects they have by eating well and exercising regularly (under the guidance of your healthcare provider). My Poppy told me "those are not wrinkles, those are smile lines from all the years of happiness I have enjoyed." That is how we should all think about the many wondrous changes that are in store for us as we get older and wiser.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Deal with low mood

Recently I talked to various friends about how to deal with low mood, feel lethargic, having this sense of lack of meaning in life.

One thing that appeared to help a lot of people is gratitude. In fact, the idea is the actual active exercise of gratitude. It appeared to help to take regular moments of becoming very aware of the little and big things in life that you can be grateful for, that have made, or continue to make, your life worthwhile.

It may not give a long-term solution to more severe depression, but even that it could do! Gratitude, done or felt regularly, can change your outlook or life, and as such, can also help you with more severe moods problems.

What do you think?

Monday 5 August 2013

Anti-Aging Tips

Wondering what you can do to look younger or slow down the aging process without plastic surgery? Dr. Phil invites Dr. Tom Diaz, a member of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Physicians, to the show to offer some proven anti-aging advice. Tips on Preventing Wrinkles and Promoting Longevity
•Avoid the sun.
Sun exposure is the number one cause of premature wrinkles. If you must be out in the sun, wear sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. Tanning beds have also been proven to cause cancer and wrinkle your skin.
•Don't smoke.
Smoking is the second leading cause of premature wrinkles. It upsets the body's mechanism for breaking down old skin and renewing it.
•Minimize alcohol consumption.
Alcohol dehydrates the skin, depleting it of moisture. It can also cause broken or distended capillaries on the nose and face.
Exercise is the number one anti-aging medicine, and the benefits are immense. For starters, it is a great anti-stressor. It also improves circulation, which in turn improves skin complexion. It can help maintain healthy body weight, increase bone density, and build muscle. Exercise also strengthens the heart, and can reduce risk of certain cancers. We lose 4 percent of muscle mass for every 10 years after the age of 20. Running is good for the heart and weight training increases metabolism and bone strength. Stretching and yoga are also extremely beneficial.
•Get plenty of rest.
The body needs time to repair itself. Lack of sleep can upset the body's metabolism and possibly hasten the onset of age-related conditions.
•Drink at least eight glasses (64 ounces total) of water daily.
Water flushes waste out of our system and keeps the skin hydrated, acting as an internal moisturizer.

Tips on Reducing the Appearance of Wrinkles
•Over-the-counter products. Dr. Diaz recommends Glycolic Acid 15 percent, and Alpha Hydroxy Acid. Use at night and use it regularly. You can also ask your doctor about Retin A, a vitamin-based product that works really well.
•Avoid chemical peels and outdated laser machines. "I've seen the worst scarring in my life on people who have had chemical peels," says Dr. Diaz. There are some new products that can make you look younger. Ask your doctor about intermittent pulse laser and fluorescent pulse laser. "They actually stimulate the collagen and remove the discolorations from your skin, actually reversing the signs of aging skin," Dr. Diaz says. "But they will do nothing to prevent cancer." Anti-Aging Grocery List
•Buy green and red vegetables. These foods contain natural nutrients and anti-oxidants that prevent the formation of free radicals, which damage cells and can contribute to disease and premature aging. The high water content found in vegetables is also good for skin.
•Buy fish. Fish contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to lower heart-disease risk and stimulate the immune system. These oils are also good for skin and act as a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Supplement your diet with 12 ounces of fish a week. Some fish have high levels of mercury and should be avoided: Shark, Swordfish, King Mackerel and Tilefish.
•Incorporate oils into your diet. Extra virgin olive oil and fish oils in a healthy diet are really good for the skin.
•Limit your sugar intake. Sugar acts as an oxidant, having the opposite effect of an anti-oxidant. It does not promote healthy body weight or healthy skin. Sugar also causes the body to release more insulin, increasing the risk of diabetes.
•Drink lots of water. Remember to drink 64 ounces a day.